Scientific skills
IFU researchers focus on the impact of global climate and land-use change and interactions on local, regional and global scales. To train the next generation of scientists, we organize a range of Summer Schools (e.g. the MICMoR Summer Schools) and Technical Short Courses for doctoral students and postdocs. IFU’s senior staff and visiting scientists from all over the world are lecturers in these courses. Furthermore, they provide ample opportunities for our postdoctoral researchers to develop their teaching skills.
Some IFU scientists have teaching chairs, e.g. at KIT, University of Freiburg, University of Augsburg, University of Cologne and TU München and give lectures and courses for Bachelor, Master and PhD students at those universities.
Summer schools at IFU
The Land Use Change & Climate Research Group (Prof. Dr. Mark Rounsevell) together with the Global Land Ecosystem Modelling Group (Prof. Dr. Almut Arneth) each year offers a 7-day international Summer School on Land Use and Ecosystem Change. For more information see: https://landchange.imk-ifu.kit.edu/summer-school-2024
Click here to see past MICMoR Summer Schools (2012-2019).