Welcome to the IFU Graduate Program!

KIT Campus Alpin from above
Bridging Spheres
Bridging Spheres

The IFU Graduate Program provides qualification and career development for early-career researchers at IMK-IFU, the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Atmospheric Environmental Research of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). IMK-IFU, also known as KIT’s Campus Alpin, is located in Garmisch-Partenkirchen at the foot of Mount Zugspitze (2962 m a.s.l.), some 350 km from KIT’s main campus. Our vision is to train new generations of outstanding young scientists to navigate successfully in collaborative and interdisciplinary climate change research.

We work in close cooperation with the Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS) and its KHYS Postdoc Office, which are the central institutions for the promotion of junior researchers at KIT. Furthermore, we are embedded into the research program "Changing Earth - Sustaining our Future" in the Helmholtz research field "Earth and Environment" and thus into KIT's ATMOchange Activities and Helmholtz Activities.


Job advertisement

JLU Gießen: two new W2 Professorships

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Climbing a mountain

Upcoming: KYHS Postdoc Days 2024

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Career path

Science Magazine: "Should I do a postdoc?"

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Guidelines: responsible use of AI in research

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Studie zu Anfeindungen in der Wissenschaft

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Mental Health

Aktuelles zu Wissenschaft und Mental Health

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TERENO field site

Upcoming: TERENO Workshop 2024 in Leipzig

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Upcoming: FYORD Summer School in Kiel

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