Data science
Expertise in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly needed in science and especially in climate research. That is why we very much support offering corresponding courses to our early-career scientists.
Training possibilities | Courses offered:
- Data science training at HIDA – the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy: https://www.helmholtz-hida.de/course-catalog/en
- Courses at HIFIS – Helmholtz Federated IT Services: https://www.hifis.net
- Workshops (e.g. Chat GPT introduction course) at Helmholtz AI: https://www.helmholtz.ai/applied-ai
- Course offers at KIT, e.g. PEBA: https://www.peba.kit.edu/kalender.php
IT support:
KIT-Campus Alpin’s DataInitiative supports scientists in obtaining, processing, analyzing and publishing their research data. We operate software solutions that provide a modern research data management following the FAIR principles. We provide support and consulting solutions to our scientists and assists in developing research software solutions and the use of machine learning and AI.
On how to deal with AI possibilities in science:
- Article on DFG guidelines in “Forschung & Lehre”: https://www.forschung-und-lehre.de/management/dfg-veroeffentlicht-richtlinien-zum-einsatz-von-chatgpt-und-co-5924
- Statement of the Executive Committee of the German Research Foundation (DFG) on the influence of generative models for text and image creation on science and on DFG's funding activities: https://www.dfg.de/resource/blob/289674/ff57cf46c5ca109cb18533b21fba49bd/230921-stellungnahme-praesidium-ki-ai-data.pdf
- KIT’s Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML) – ChatGPT at universities: An overview of publications, https://www.zml.kit.edu/english/chatGPT.php
- Hochschulforum Digitalisierung: Digitalization University Forum: Guidelines for dealing with generative AI