The IFU Graduate Program can be a contact point for IFU’s early-career researchers in conflict situations or in times of personal crisis. We lend you our ear, listen to your problems and concerns, and will offer information and advice on how to deal with challenging situations. Confidentiality is ensured. We are happy to help arrange further professional support if needed.
Getting help at IFU and KIT when in conflict or crisis
Contact points:
IFU Graduate Program: https://graduateprogram.imk-ifu.kit.edu
(also ask for our Mental Health Resource List for local contact points in Garmisch-Partenkirchen)
IFU Staff Council: https://www.imk-ifu.kit.edu/english/staffcouncil.php
IFU & KIT Equal Opportunities: https://www.imk-ifu.kit.edu/english/1039.php (IFU) and www.chg.kit.edu (KIT)
KIT Conflict Management and Psychosocial Counseling (KMB): www.kmb.kit.edu
KIT Ombudspersons for doctoral researchers and supervisors: www.khys.kit.edu/english/ombudspersons.php
Further advisory points: www.khys.kit.edu/english/advisory-offices.php