TERENO field site

Upcoming: TERENO Workshop 2024 in Leipzig

This year’s TERENO Workshop on Research in the Critical Zone will be held at UFZ in Leipzig from November 5-7, 2024.

5.11. full day with keynotes and poster session
6.11. morning session WS on:
•    Carbon in the Critical Zone
•    Land management and water quality
•    Microbial life in soil and water
6.11. afternoon session WS on:
•    Data Management
•    Early career researchers – future research perspective, outreach and communication – how to improve
•    TERENO technicians workshop
7.11. Excursion to the DWD Agrometeorological Observatorium Holzhausen and Brandis

For more details and registration, please visit the workshop hompage: https://events.hifis.net/event/1603/

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