Team applications for the Helmholtz GPU Hackathon 2023 are open now!
Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), and the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA) together with NVIDIA and OpenACC will co-organize the Helmholtz GPU Hackathon 2023. The event will be hosted by FZJ in Jülich May 9 through 11, 2023 with a virtual kick-off on May 2, 2023. GPU Hackathons provide exciting opportunities for scientists to accelerate their AI or HPC research under the guidance of expert mentors from national laboratories, universities and industry leaders in a collaborative environment.
Deadline for the team application is March 14, 2023!
All details to be found at: